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Signage was determined to be an area of interest for Oceansider's attending the initial 2023 OAP strategic meetings.

The Signage and Messaging team of 6 community members quickly determined that there were many aspects to

Oceanside including it's history of establishment and original habitation that have never been publicly displayed here. 

The team met for a walk to consider Oceanside's mainstreet and parking areas and driving to it's Urban Growth Boundary (UBG) for discussion.

The teams determination included areas to address: 

1. Entry place name signage at both Urban Growth Boundary (UBG) boundaries.

2. Historical informational plaques on business and service buildings.

3. New sidewalk railing affixed with panels displaying/story telling history and photos of Oceanside's establishment.

4. Upper OSP parking lot signage incorporating native Tillamook tribal history and also geologic history.

5. Lower OSP parking lot signage to incorporate the areas marine biology, wildlife and its human interface providing interesting facts and pictorial messaging.

Given the largess of the 2nd - 5th areas it was determined that the overall plan come in phases. It was determined with the support of TCVA's Nan Devlin that the projects 2-5 would take up to 2 years to complete.

With the guidance of the OAP and TCVA's Nan Devlin the committee determined the 1st phase to be the entry signage. Currently in process, artwork from Oceansider's is being submitted. As a whole the community will choose it's favorite through a juried OAP process. The signage choice will then go through the TCVA's design team process and final completion will occur within the year. 

The Signage committee's Sally Tuttle is spearheading the coordination of the OSP lower parking lot signage projects. 

Andrew Roberts is providing illustration to all areas.

Kris Woolpert is focusing on the signage in the upper parking lot, the railing project and the historical plaques.

There are many partners involved- The Rosenberg family, the Apperson family, Oregon State Parks, the Grand Ronde Tribes, geologist, marine biologists and various individuals and informational sources. 

In February the committee will plan to meet for an updated session.

All Oceansider's are invited to join in and provide input on the Signage and Messaging of our community. 

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