
2024 Newsletters

Exciting Project Updates!

When we recapped all of the accomplishments of 2023 in our last update it was clear that the progress made by you through the Oceanside Action Partnership was central to our success. We are continuing to create opportunities for making Oceanside the community we all seek to create. Our many supporters have been very busy addressing our priority projects with the goal of effectuating further positive change this year. Your continued contribution and participation is vital to our mission. Those efforts are reflected in the following updates from our Team Coordinators.

Please check out our webpage at to read about what is planned for our community, and all of the developments taking place as reported by our Team Coordinators.

1)  Cell Reception: Yuriy Chanba, Team Coordinator

Cell Reception

2)  Identifying and Maintaining Trails: Gail Chun-Deduonni, Team Coordinator


3)  Designing and Installing Signage: Kris Woolpert, Team Coordinator


4)  Mixed Use Path: Gill Wiggin, Team Coordinator

Mixed Use Path

Your support and efforts are making a big difference.  Join in by contacting us and feed your passion.  We are a village united!

And on another note:  Did you know the county has a Facebook page for Tillamook County Emergency Management? 
Check it out and join "follow".

Facebook: Tillamook County Emergency Management

We are always looking for ways to improve or resources to assist us. If there is anything you would like for us to know please reach out. Thank you!

Oceanside Action Partnership Board

Happy New Year from your Oceanside Action Partnership Board!



We are UNITED.

As we enter the beginning of a new year OAP would like to take a moment and thank everyone who participated and partnered with us last year to create and achieve what turned out to be an extremely productive and rewarding community coalition. With the hope of building on the momentum created we want to recap and highlight all of the accomplishments already realized in such a short amount of time. These results serve to demonstrate your determination, engagement and unity in improving our community.

The highlights we realized in 2023 are as follows:

  • Banded together for OCC to receive $58,500 in TLT funding for the Upper Parking Lot resurface and completed the project. 
  • Assisted in fulfilling the requirements to complete the Stair Lighting Project to close the PUD Grant.
  • Partnered with Tillamook Public Works, TrailKeepers of Oregon, Tillamook Coast Visitors Association, Netarts WEBS, Netarts Oceanside Fire Protection District and submitted a grant for the Short Beach Trail redesign and redevelopment.
  • Formed a Trails Team which is busy mapping trails connecting all neighborhoods and considering next steps, as well as informing the local community about the "Recreational Immunity" issue and circulating the Protect Oregon Recreation petition.
  • Organized a Cell Reception Team which is busy researching options and bringing partners to the table.
  • Designated a Signage Team that has already identified potential sites and is working on designs and sign content, while exploring funding from WayFinding.
  • Organized and convened a meeting for all partners to create a water district intertie between Oceanside and Netarts Water Districts for use in an emergency. 
  • Initiated the formation of a Mixed Use Path Team that has met with ODOT and Public Works and outlined a plan to develop this project.

We have over 212 participants (and growing) representing all corners of Oceanside, commercial partners, public staff and elected officials. There is room for everyone interested in joining. Please check out our webpage at and let us know how you would like to help.

Please join in and spread the word! We want everyone to be included.

Oceanside Action Partnership Board

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